Previous CSA B149.3 requirements would void a Field Approval if the appliance was modified/altered or relocated. This caused an
expensive time and cost commitment to continually need a Field Approval inspection on equipment. ENEFEN has cost effective
solutions for minor alterations, relocated, and movable equipment.
While local AHJ’s were requiring portable appliances to be approved to CSA B149.3, there was no direction as to what would be
consistently acceptable to them prior to the 2020 code update. ENEFEN took a proactive approach and was the first to develop a
process which could be easily implemented by owners and acceptable to the authorities having jurisdiction. The ENEFEN process
was then included in the 2020 code in order to assist those with portable/movable equipment. For specific requirements, please
go to our FAQ under Resources.
The requirements for movable appliances is relevant to many industries, and ENEFEN serves them all. The underlying intent of
both gas and electrical codes and provincial regulation is safety. It is therefore safety that must be ensured when dealing with
“movable” appliances.
Following are examples of “movable” appliances:
- Propane fired road repaving machine
- Road marking unit
- Gravel drier used for road construction
- Asphalt mixing machine
- Ground thawing unit
- Snow melting heater
- Grain dryer
- Thermal soil conditioner
- Portable heat treatment system
- Refractory curing burner
- Portable incinerator
- Line heater for well testing
- Temporary oil storage tank
- Temporary water tank (clean or produced water)
- Fracturing water heater
- Flame Effects
- Food carts/trailers/trucks
If the purpose of the appliance installation is of a temporary and predictable nature and less than or equal to 6 months in duration, after which the appliance is moved to a different location, the appliance is considered “movable”. For example: a fracturing water heater used on location during the fracturing procedure, then moved with the rest of fracturing equipment to another location.

If an appliance is used “seasonally” in one or more locations and moved for storage during off-season, it is considered to be of “movable” nature.
If the purpose of the appliance installation is of permanent and unpredictable nature or more than 6 months in duration, the ap- pliance is considered to be “stationary”. For example: oil storage tank connected to a well “until the well is exhausted” is unpre- dictable and therefore considered a “stationary” application.