History and Experience
Our roots run so deep in combustion, they’re on fire! Initiated as an energy efficiency consulting company servicing industrial gas-fired appliances, our focus was redirected to addressing the increased regulatory requirements and demand for inspection services aimed at improving safety, reliability, efficiency and emissions of combustion systems. Drawing on nearly four decades of focused combustion experience, ENEFEN Energy Efficiency Engineering Ltd. has evolved as an expert resource for all things combustion. With continued participation in the development of industry standards, codes and local regulations, we are doing our part to ensure Canada remains a champion for safety.
Our aim is to deliver the most comprehensive and value based Field Approval Program with an uncompromising commitment to quality and professionalism in order to assist stakeholders in mitigating the risks, hazards and liabilities associated with combustion systems. With nearly 10,000 completed projects and counting, we have the experience necessary to assist you in achieving your compliance requirements.

Standards Council of Canada (SCC) Accreditation
Subject Area of Accreditation
The performing of inspection evaluations based on Canadian code requirements for safety and suitability of one-of a-kind and limited run commercial and industrial gas-fired appliances and equipment that may be designed for installation at a specific site or assembled on-site, the application of approval labels on the appliances and equipment, and the issuance of an inspection certificate or report in accordance with the relevant requirements identified in accordance with Accreditation Program Overview Annex E.
Portée d’accréditation
Réalisation d’inspections conformément aux exigences des codes canadiens relatives à la sécurité et à l’adéquation des appareils et des appareillages à gaz commerciaux et industriels uniques et fabriqués en quantités limitées qui sont censés être installés dans un emplacement spécifique ou assemblés sur place; apposition d’étiquettes d’approbation sur les appareils et appareillages; délivrance de certificats ou de rapports d’inspection conformément aux exigences pertinentes énoncées dans Aperçu des programmes d’accréditation Annexe E.
Professional Associations