Relocating / Altering Equipment

Approved appliance but at a new location? Location change or a minor alteration of your ENEFEN approved appliance doesn't mean starting from scratch.
Per the CSA B149 code, the installation must match the drawings, and if a gas fired appliance is modified or relocated, it voids the approval(s).
ENEFEN makes it easy to relocate your appliance or make minor modifications without voiding your ENEFEN Field Approval. Let us know your plans prior to altering and we can also provide you with assurance that it will retain CSA B149.3 compliance.
FAQ - Relocating an Approved Appliance
FAQ - Minor Alterations to an Approved Appliance
Portable/mobile equipment is now addressed in the 2020 CSA B149 code. ENEFEN has had the program for several years and can give you the best advice based on experience.
FAQ - Movable Appliance Field Approval
We can help you know what to do - give us a call regarding your project 780-665-2863 X17 or email [email protected].